Microsoft Word 和 Microsoft Excel表格。
加载: appload加载C:\Program Files\ATable for AutoCAD 2002\AlxdGrid.arx
使用: 输入 _at命令
Command: _at.
Run ATable from command line of AutoCAD.
Specify insertion point or [Style/Properties/Justify/Edit/Recalculate/REgister/eXit]: - specify insertion point and start editing.
Select option [Zoom/Pan/Insert/Add-ons/eXit]: - available commands during table editing.
Zoom - zooming
Pan - panning
Insert - insert new table to drawing from editor
Add-ons - call list of add-ons
eXit - exit from editor
Style - display Grid Style Manager window. You can choose grid style for table before insertion.
Properties - display Style Editor window. You can change all grid properties before insertion (justify, color, width etc).
Justify - change table justify
[Top Left/Top Right/Bottom Left/Bottom Right]: select justify.
Top Left (TL) - top left corner of table
Top Right (TR) - top right corner of table
Bottom Left (BL) - bottom left corner of table
Bottom Right (BR) - bottom right corner of table
Edit - edit existed table
Select object: select table for editing. You can edit table by double click on table.
Recalculate - recalculate grid content.
Select object: select table for recalculating.
REGister - registration application. You can enter user name and registration code. Buy NOW!
eXit - exit from command.
如果文件的扩展名是XLS,请使用Microsoft Execl打开。
如果文件的扩展名是LSP,请在Autocad中的"工具"(英文版 "TOOLS")的下拉菜单中,
选择"加载应用程序"(英文版 "Load Application...")选项,加载此文件,然后在CAD