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三铰拱结构设计 26P
  • 资料等级:
  • 授权方式:资料共享
  • 发布时间:2020-12-19
  • 资料类型:RAR
  • 资料大小:262 KB
  • 资料分类:结构设计
  • 运行环境:WinXp,Win2003,WinVista,Win ;
  • 解压密码:civilcn.com
三铰拱结构设计 26P
The reactions are related to the locations of the hinges and loads, but have no relationship with the form of the axial line of arch.
荷载与跨度一定时,水平推力与 矢高成反比
Given loads and span, thrust is inversely proportional to rise 1/f
三铰拱的内力不但与荷载及三个铰的位置有关,而且与拱轴线的形状有关。The internal forces are not only dependent of loads and the positions of hinges, but also of the form of centroidal axis .
由于推力的存在,拱的弯矩比相应简支梁的弯矩要小。Because of the horizontal thrust, the moment of arch is less than that of the corresponding simple beam.
三铰拱在竖向荷载作用下轴向受压.Under the action of vertical loads, the arch is axially compressed.

  • 三铰拱结构设计 26P
  • 三铰拱结构设计 26P
  • 三铰拱结构设计 26P